Wine tour and tasting
A tailored wine tour to discover our Sardinian grapes and Is Cheas wine labels

Walk through the Is Cheas vineyards on a tour carefully designed for you, learn about the stories that lie behind each passionate year of production, tasting the wines at sunset, interact with our horses and assist their daily training and natural taming courses, share with your family and friends, once you return home, how to hand made pasta or give yourself some time in the peacefulness of our Herb gardens sourrended by the scent of the lavender.
Is Cheas’ activities are yours to discover! Book them in advance
A tailored wine tour to discover our Sardinian grapes and Is Cheas wine labels
Enjoy a unique experience with horses at Is Cheas
Cooking vacations. The best culinary experience in Sardinia. Enjoy cooking classes with our chefs
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